
Monday, August 26, 2013

Upcoming Blogathon! The Great Imaginary Film Blogathon is A-Comin'!

Check out the UPDATE page for current info. 

Hear ye, Hear ye! The Great Imaginary Film Blogathon is coming to Silver Scenes!  

As the hosts of Silver Scenes, Diana and I ( Constance ), thought it might be a good idea to start a blogathon. Why? Because we'd like to get to know our readers - stray wanderers included. And what better way then to get acquainted through the sharing of ideas?

This summer the classic movie blogging-sphere has been filled with alot of great blogathons. Movies Silently hosted the Funny Ladies Blogathon in June, The Girl with the White Parasol hosted the fantastic Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon in July; August beckoned in the rollicking good William Castle Blogathon from The Last Drive-In, and currently Sittin' on a Backyard Fence is hosting their second annual TCM Summer Under the Stars event. 

But when we thought about coming up with our own blogathon we wanted to be just a little bit different. Instead of having our readers write about movies that have been made, we thought it might be fun to have you write about movies that were never made....but should have been. 

Have you ever read a great book and wished it had been turned into a film? 

Have you ever seen a new film and wished a version of it had been made in the 1930s, or 1940s, or 1950s?

Have you ever seen an oldie but goodie and wished it had been remade, with just a little more "punch" added to it? 

Have you ever seen a film, loved it to death, but wished the main actor/actress had been someone different? 

Have you ever wanted to play producer and have selection of the best stories, all the choice actors in Hollywood and William Wyler as director? 

Heavens to Betsy! What silly questions...of course you've thought of this before. EVERYONE has exited a movie theatre thinking of all the changes they would have made to the film they just saw. Or read a book and pictured Basil Rathbone in the lead. Or wondered "what was Edward Bernds thinking when he made Queen of Outer Space? I could make a better film than that!" ( and you probably can )

Well, this is what the Great Imaginary Film Blogathon is all about. It's a wishful thinking event. A time to brew creative movie-making ideas and share them with others. 

Here's your chance to gush about all those wonderful movies you wish were made but never were.

The possibilities are endless! Anything you can conceive you can share!

It certainly will be Mr. Wonka. 

We can't wait to get started and see what scathingly brilliant ideas everyone can think of. 

Before we start to concoct movie history though let's talk a bit about some of the rules :

Rule Number One -  If you wish to write about a film that was never made, please include the following..

- title
- year of production 
- at least four cast members
- the studio that you hoped would have released the film
- whether the film is in color or black/white
- basic plot

Imaginary TV Movies are welcome as well. 

Rule Number Two - If you wish to create a photo gallery of film ideas please attach a title and small plot summary with your pics. A tv guide sized nugget review will do nicely. 

Rule Number Three - If you wish to create a gif...good luck! We have no idea how you would go about doing that. 

Rule Number Four -  All films created should be dated pre-1975. Afterall, this is a classic film site. 

Rule Number Five -  There are no rules. Disregard all of the above if you want to do something differently. 

The Great Film Blogathon will run from October 1-3, 2013. Exact dates for posting will not be assigned, just so long as you post within that time frame you're good to go. We will post a master list of participants and their topics on the first day of the blogathon. That means you got a whole month to get your creative juices flowing! 

Any questions? 

Then let the fun begin! 

ALL bloggers are welcome. If you want to join just post your blog name and the url address to your blogsite in the comment box below. If you don't want to join, then please help spread the word about the event by placing a banner on your site. 


And for those who'd like a Disney themed one ( because we love Disney stuff ): 

If you are still confused on what the heck this is all about, then stayed tuned! Each week prior to the event we will be posting our own deviously clever movie ideas and those should help you catch our drift. 

Contact us at silverbankspictures ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com if you have any questions or comments. 

We hope you'll join us! 


  1. Thanks for adding your Blogathon to the Classic Movie Hub Events Calendar. I will be promoting it on twitter for you :)
    --Annmarie at CMH

    1. Thank you Annmarie! We'll need all the promoting we can get. We probably should of found a co-host to help us with this, but we didn't think of that.....

  2. Hi, this is Dan from The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog ( This is a fantastic idea! I definitely want to be a part of this!

    1. Glad to have you join, Dan! We'd love to hear what hitless wonders you can scheme up.

  3. Hi. Thanks for the email notification about this blogathon. I definitely want to participate...hope you got my return email telling you my idea.

    1. We got you added Patti! And I think your idea is marvelous! We'll be posting more banners this week but feel free to place the ones we have now on your site. We can use the extra plug!

  4. I'm in! Do you want to know what I'm going to blog about now, or later? I'm adding your ad to the sidebar on my main blog, Hamlette's Soliloquy, and that's where I'll post my entry.

    1. Super! Got you added. If you have an idea already you can shoot us an email, otherwise we won't actually list anyone's topics until the first day of the blogathon.

    2. I had an idea, but then a friend and I may have come up with an even better idea last night so... I'll let you know ;-)

    3. You don't have to limit yourself to one can write about as many as you want! We'll be writing on a bunch ourselves. :-)

    4. I think I'm going to write a new version of the Snow White story in which I yank the Huntsman out of Snow White and the Huntsman and drop him into the world of Mirror Mirror. Much confusion and hilarity will ensue, if I drink enough caffeine.

      Either that, or I'm going to concoct a film noir version of Hamlet starring all classic '40s stars. Might just do both, we'll see.

  5. Great! I bet you can come up with some fantastic ideas.

  6. Yeah, this is definitely my kinda blogathon. I'm in.

    1. So glad you said that! Come up with a doozy of a good film to share with us.

  7. This sounds like a lot of fun-- count me in.
    Films From Beyond the Time Barrier,

    1. Wonderful! we're looking forward to see what you can come up with.

  8. Excited to try this! Embarrassing Treasures,

    1. Super duper! Can't wait to see what embarrassingly clever ideas you can dream up.

  9. Hi there! I would love to participate!

    I would like to create the silent action film to end all silent action films. I will set my tentative date as 1926, my studio as United Artists, tinted with Technicolor sequences and will take it from there.

    (of course, all this could change in a heartbeat but I will let you know)


  10. Apparently I'm one of the wanderers, and I can't believe I haven't been in this great blog before! In which planet do I live?
    Anyway, I'd love to be part of the blogathon. I'm Le and I write a blog called Critica Retro ( It's in Portuguese, my mother tongue, but I have a translator in the sidebar that helps international readers.
    Now, it's time to start imagining a movie!

  11. Ooh, what a fantastic idea for a blogathon! I'd love to contribute!

    My name is Lindsey, I run a mostly-classic film blog at :) I think I'll do classic re-casting of six of my favorite post-'70 films. If possible I'd like to do it in two parts, with Part I posted on the 2nd and Part II posted on the 3rd.

    1. You've intrigued us now on what those six favorites could be. Glad to have you aboard, and that arrangement will work out great ( doing it in parts that is ).

  12. Paula here, of #TCMParty on Twitter and Paula's Cinema Club ( I write about all eras of film, and I think this is a fantastic idea. I'd love to be part of it.

    1. Woo, we got the TCMParty coming! Got you added to the list and glad to have you join.

  13. Hi, I'm Pete from Furious Cinema . Ill be participating too. Hoping I can find some decent pictures for it to use!

    1. Got you added, and we're sure whatever pictures you use will be better than our sloppy "headshots". ;-)

  14. Ooh, what an awesome idea! Indeed, it's so awesome, I don't even know where I'd start! But even if I can't think of what I'd do, at the very least I'm looking forward to your Blogathon, and I'd love to put an ad for it on my blog TALES OF THE EASILY DISTRACTED! We of Team Bartilucci are rooting for you!

    1. Thankee, Thankee for promoting the blogathon... but we hope you decide to contribute an idea too! We'd love to read about some Easily Distracted creations.

  15. This sounds like fun! Can I do more than one? I can't pick between doing a silent version of Ball of Fire or a silent Hollywood adaptation of Wuthering Heights.

    1. You certainly can! There's no limit on how many films you can write about..and don't forget, you are also not limited to recasting films that were already made. Pick some books or create your own plots if you like!

    2. Never mind, I'll have to pass. Life's been too busy. :(

    3. I know what you mean! I don't know where time has been flying to these last few months. Thank you for letting us know...sorry we won't see the "silentized" version of Wuthering Heights. Perhaps you will do it for the Great Silent Recasting blogathon?

  16. A creative topic like this really prompts some great brainstorming! I would love to write at least one entry for this. I think I'd like to imagine what would've happened if someone had rehabilitated Louise Brooks in the 1940s and cast her in a film noir...
    I'm looking forward to all of the imaginary movies!

    1. Louise Brooks in a noir would be AMAZING. Great idea and if you come up with more, that's even better! We're looking forward to reading others entries too. :-)

  17. I am so surprised I haven't discovered your blog before! I'm Margaret from I'd love to contribute a post listing all the films I wish Katharine Hepburn had made.

    1. We must do more promoting then. ;-) So glad to have you join and your idea sounds great! Is there a particular date that you would like to post it on? Otherwise we'll put you down for Oct. 1. Let us know!

    2. Sorry, I didn't get back to you - I've been travelling. Could I post tomorrow? Thank you!

    3. Sure, there's no hurry...afterall, it's a three day event. :-) We're just glad to have you apart of it

    4. Here's my contribution! "Five Roles Katharine Hepburn Never Played"

  18. I found out about this thing only now, but I'll do my best to come up with something.
    Post scheduled for Wednesday the second on my blog Karavansara ( ), where we cover adventure, pulp and the Orient.
    So expect something pulpy about Oriental adventures.
    Say... the planned John Houston "The Man that Would Be King" featuring Gable, Bogart and David Niven?
    It will be a close thing, but I'll make it!

    1. Wow, that would be great a topic!! I always wanted to see an earlier version of that story filmed. So glad to have you on board! I'll list you for Wednesday then. We're looking forward to reading about that fantasy film!

  19. Can I still enter? I plan on posting on Thursday 3rd, about a silent "Marlowe" based off Josephine Preston Peabody's play of the same name. My blog is called Scribblings, and is to be foud at

    1. You sure can! I never heard of "Marlowe" so I'll really be looking forward to reading your post. We only got one other blogger writing a fantasy silent movie. I'll put you down for the 3rd then!

  20. Will you be doing The Great Imaginary Film Blogathon again next year? I was too darn swamped to participate this year, but if you do it again, I'll be ready, willing, and waiting to join the fun! In any case, from all the posts I read, I'm blown away by this great blogathon! Congratulations!

    1. We've had a number of participants ask us if we were going to host it again next year, and by golly...I think we will. We really enjoyed all the entries everyone submitted and would love to read more ideas. That means YOURS included!

  21. Wow! I wish I had come across this blogathon in time to participate. This is kind of like a series I am doing over at by blog, All Things Kevyn (a recent offshoot of The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World). Well okay, I've only done one so far, but a series has to start somewhere - am I right? Anyway, I would still like to pass this post along, even if I am more than a wee bit tardy to the party. It can be found here:

    Thanx for letting me play along.
