
Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Impossibly Difficult Name that Movie Game

This month's edition of the Impossibly Difficult Name that Movie Game we consider to be quite easy, but then again, scenes from favorite films are always easy to recognize...especially when you take the screenshot yourself! 

As always, if you are unfamiliar with the rules of the game or the prize, click here


Congratulations to The Tactful Typist for correctly guessing "You're Never Too Young" ( 1955 ) starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis! If you squint at the photo hard enough you'll notice that that is Jerry Lewis - or his stunt double - doing the waterskiing and Raymond Burr - or his stunt double - driving the Criss Craft. This was the final sequence in this fun remake of the 1942 Ginger Rogers classic The Major and the Minor. 


  1. Boy, I wish I could even think of a movie with waterskiing in it that doesn't have Esther Williams in it! LOL!

    1. That's true! There are very few films with waterskiing sequences, so put your thinking cap can guess this one if you give it some thought!

  2. Replies
    1. Great guess! I forgot Rock Hudson played a boat racing enthusiast, but nope, that's not the answer. Try again!

  3. I haven't seen this movie in a while, so I can't remember all the crazy dilemmas that Rock gets stuck in, but this looks a little like the lake that he goes to in Man's Favorite Sport.

    1. A very good guess! Man's Favorite Sport is a delightful film and well worth revisiting when you get a chance, but believe it or not, the entire picture was shot on the Universal backlot...including the lake. The screenshot from this mystery film was shot at a real-live lake. If you are interested, we wrote a post about Man's Favorite Sport last year -

  4. Replies
    1. That film did have pine trees and a nice lake scene, but sorry, no dice!

  5. Replies
    1. Jolly good try! That's a delightful movie. Alas, it's not the right answer.

  6. Replies
    1. Ha! Another good guess....I had almost forgotten about that water skiing scene at the end of the film. However, we usually stick to pre-1975 films in these screenshots, so sorry...try again!

  7. Replies
    1. Esther was pretty dangerous when dry as well, but no...she never donned pants when waterskiing. Guess again!

  8. Replies
    1. The lakes do look the same, but that's not the film. Thanks for trying!

  9. Is this from the Universal film "You're Never Too Young" (1955) starring Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin? I think that's Jerry waterskiing.

    1. Bingo! That's the film alright! I was surprised that it wasn't guessed within a week of posting, but then this is a family favorite so perhaps it seemed obvious just to me and not to others. It's such a fun ( and underrated comedy ) from the Martin/Lewis repertoire.
