Friday, June 16, 2023

The Intruder Blogathon is Here!

Taking place this Father's Day weekend ( June 16th-18th ) is The Intruder Blogathon, a dear-to-our-hearts event because it showcases reviews of films that feature a theme loved by our own father: that of a character that comes into a main character's life unexpectantly to change it for the better ( e.g. Dudley in The Bishop's Wife ). He likes to call these people "intruders" because they usually come uninvited and yet their presence makes for a welcome change. 

The Intruder is a common character found in literature, plays, television episodes, and classic films. Now that you know what we are referring to, you will recognize this character often ( and will most likely have an Intruder come into your own life ).

Since our father suggested this theme for a blogathon - and since it is Father's Day weekend - we are dedicating this event to our beloved dad, Frank Metzinger. He homeschooled us when we were young, and has always been our mentor and our very best friend. He instilled in us a love of classic films and introduced to us so many wonderful titles spanning the 1930s-1980s. Most of his favorites have become our own and, not surprisingly, The Intruder has also become a favorite topic of ours! 

We have received a number of exciting entries for this blogathon and will be posting links to each blog's reviews as we receive them. ( Note to bloggers: we always accept late submissions as well ). Enough with the prattle and on with the posts! 


Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell ( 1951 )

Our own contribution to the blogathon is a review of a film that we believe epitomizes this theme. Mr. Belvedere is a character who comes suddenly into the lives of the inhabitants of the Church of John Home for the Aged and changes everyone he meets for the better. 

Anne of Green Gables ( 1985 miniseries ) 

Reelweegiemidget Reviews shares with us her review of a classic intruder tale, that of orphan Anne Shirley who comes to live with a couple on Prince Edward Island and endears herself to all whom she meets. 

Taking Up Room turns the spotlight on the cult sci-fi classic "The Queen of Outer Space" and how Earthlings can act as intruders to other planets. 

 Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy shares with us her review of the short-lived Western television series The Loner about a restless wanderer ( Lloyd Bridges ) and his escapades after the Civil War.

Whimsically Classic examines one of the most famous Intruder stories of all time, that of Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" in her delightful review of the classic MGM musical.

Ruth, over at Silver Screenings, posts a marvelous review of a period drama from MGM about a stranger ( Van Johnson ) who steps into the lives of a Confederate family during the post-Civil War days in Missouri.

Crítica Retro shares with us a look at the classic comedy Holiday and one of the most engaging Intruders to ever hit the screen: Johnny Case. 

The Wonderful World of Cinema gives us some wonderful insight into the character of Mr. Deed and the good deeds he did when he went to town in Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. 


  1. I've got my overview of The Loner up now :-) Love the focus of this blogathon!

  2. Hi, ladies! Here's my post: Thanks again for hosting this. :-)

  3. Here's my post:

    1. Thanks, Kayla, for taking part in the event - and for picking one of the best Intruder films there is!

  4. Good morning! A review of The Romance of Rosy Ridge is here:
    I'm looking forward to reading all these great posts tomorrow!

  5. Here it is Grant and Hepburn in Holiday:

  6. Hi! Here is my post for Mr. Deeds Goes to Town :) Thanks a lot for hosting!

  7. Thanks ladies for a great blogathon XX Looking forward to seeing what others you have in store..
