It has been quite a while since Silver Scenes hosted a blogathon, so we are planning to host several within the next year to make up for the lack of them earlier! The first event is one which may definitely be classified as a niche theme but it is quite dear to my sister's and my heart so we are excited to unveil The Intruder Blogathon, running from June 16th-18th. For this blogathon, you are asked to review a film where a character ( sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, and other times a child ) comes into the main character's life unexpectantly and changes it for the better.
It is a common theme in films. Our dad has a particular fondness for movies where strangers create a change in someone's life and years ago he suggested that we host a blogathon on this theme. He often tells us that sometime in everyone's life an "intruder" will arrive who will come unexpectantly and change your life. There are a lot of intruders who can mess up your life, too, but we aren't referring to those.
Why does he call these people "intruders"? Because they come into your life unexpectantly and seem to intrude in your everyday routine. Sometimes these intruders and the change they bring are welcomed instantly, but many times the change they cause in the person's life is not realized until they have stayed for a little while. Usually, during the first encounter, they are perceived as an unwelcome intruder.
Take, for example, the character of Hal Carter in Picnic ( 1955 ). He was a drifter who seemed to have arrived at an inopportune time to wheedle a job out of his old friend Alan. Madge ( Kim Novak ) and Millie ( Susan Strasberg ) greet his arrival with excitement. Their neighbor Helen Potts ( Verna Felton ) calls his visit "a breath of fresh air", but Mrs. Owens ( Betty Field ) considers Hal to be a bad influence on Madge. By the end of the film, his character influences all of the main characters in a positive way.
The Sound of Music ( 1965 ) is another popular example. Maria von Trapp ( Julie Andrews ) certainly wasn't welcome by Captain von Trapp ( Christopher Plummer ) on her initial visit but within a few short weeks, she transformed the entire Trapp household in a positive way. Now, a movie like The Man Who Came to Dinner ( 1942 ) certainly wouldn't fit into this theme! Nor would Night of the Hunter ( 1955 ). Harry Powell ( Robert Mitchum ) was definitely a stranger who made an impact on the main characters but not in a good way.
Many times, these intruders come for only a short while and leave, like in The Bishop's Wife ( 1947 ) where Dudley came for only a little while, touched the lives of everyone he met, and then suddenly left.
Give it a little thought and you'll find lots of "Intruder" themes in films and television....and from here on you will probably be keeping an eye out for the theme in everything you watch. Before long, you'll be saying "That's an Intruder film!"
The Rules:
- You can write about any classic film, television movie, television series ( e.g. The Fugitive ), or television episode that fits The Intruder Blogathon theme of someone coming into the main character's life unexpectantly and changing it for the better. ( We like to refer to "classic" as being pre-1975 but we will stretch it to 1995 for this event. )
- Share what you like about the film but, more importantly, tell us how that character influenced the other characters in the story.
- The Intruder Blogathon will run from June 16th-18th, 2023. Some banners are down below. Please post them on your blog to help spread the word.
- Ready to join? Leave a comment on this post with your blog name and web address and the film of your choice. Duplicate titles are welcome.
In case you need any help, here are a few ideas of films that you could write about ( the actor listed plays the character who "intrudes" ).
Topper ( 1937 ) - Cary Grant and Constance Bennett
Holiday ( 1938 ) - Cary Grant
Gold Rush Maisie ( 1939 ) - Ann Sothern
The More the Merrier ( 1943 ) - Charles Coburn
Dear Ruth ( 1947 ) - William Holden
The Bishop's Wife ( 1947 ) - Cary Grant
The Romance of Rosy Ridge ( 1947 ) - Van Johnson
Rachel and the Stranger ( 1948 ) - Loretta Young
Spring in Park Lane ( 1948 ) - Michael Wilding
Come to the Stable ( 1949 ) - Loretta Young
All I Desire ( 1953 ) - Barbara Stanwyck
Shane ( 1953 ) - Alan Ladd
Picnic ( 1955 ) - William Holden
Strange Lady in Town ( 1955 ) - Greer Garson
Pollyanna ( 1960 ) - Hayley Mills
The Music Man ( 1962 ) - Robert Preston Mary Poppins ( 1964 ) - Julie Andrews
The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao ( 1964 ) - Tony Randall
The Chalk Garden ( 1964 ) - Deborah Kerr
The Sound of Music ( 1965 ) - Julie Andrews
Bedknobs and Broomsticks ( 1971 ) - The Children or David Tomlinson
Pete's Dragon ( 1977 ) - Sean Marshall or Elliott the Dragon
The Wizard of Oz ( 1939 ) - Whimsically Classic
To Be Announced - Realweegiemidget Reviews
The Queen of Outer Space ( 1958 ) - Taking Up Room
Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell ( 1952 ) - Silver Scenes
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town ( 1936 ) - The Wonderful World of Cinema
Holiday ( 1938 ) - Crítica Retro
The Romance of Rosy Ridge ( 1947 ) - Silver Screenings
The Loner ( 1965-1966 ) - Hamlette's Soliloquy